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Ultherapy 超声刀



市面上有一种常见的音波拉皮名为“高强度聚焦超声波”Hifu (High Intensive Focused Ultrasound)。价格比较低,有一定的风险,效果视乎医生的技术和经验。反观Ultherapy 超声刀,它是一种以高强度聚焦式超音波技术 (Microfocused Ultrasound with Visualization简称MFU-V)。也就是搭配实况超声影像来协助医生在治疗期间监控治疗深度,以确保安全和精准的治疗。人的皮肤大致分为三层如下图。超声刀的探头主要分为1.5,3.0,及4.5mm三种深度,以方便在不同区域和深度去进行治疗。







能否将其功效发挥到最大还需看使用者如何运用。像是林挺松医生会建议在Ultherapy疗程后马上注射Radiesse Plus微晶瓷以提升脸部整体轮廓视觉效果。让你看起来有瘦脸,五官更立体,还有 其中一大功效是使肌肤更有光泽。


如果你寻找着有经验,确保能给你效果的诊所。那就必须到像是获得官方认可的Clique Clinic。

预知更多详情或是质询,欢迎拨打 012-3537960 或是WhatsApp 我们。

Ultherapy Top User in Malaysia Clique Clinic of Year 2019


Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie - Dr Tiffany Tee pic 1

Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie

Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the field of medical aesthetics after graduating from the Russian National Research Medical University with a Medical Degree (M.D.), Dr Tiffany further honed her skills by obtaining an Assured Certificate in Advanced Aesthetic Science from the City & Guilds of London Institute and pursuing a Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine certified by the European International University. With years of medical practice since 2015 and specialising in aesthetic medicine since 2020, Dr. Tiffany has garnered extensive experience across various fields in the medical industry. Dr. Tiffany has led numerous trainings, workshops, and conferences, sharing her expertise and insights with fellow professionals in the medical field.

Dr. Tee's expertise encompasses a wide range of aesthetic procedures, from laser treatments and injectables to radiofrequency skin tightening and non-surgical face lifts. She is also well-versed in advanced wound care and treats various skin concerns like acne, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Additionally, Dr. Tiffany's expertise in advanced modern wound care and management of sexually transmitted diseases reflects her holistic approach to patient well-being. Her contributions to the field, including publications and speaking engagements, not only underscore her dedication to enhancing patient outcomes but also inspire others in the medical community to strive for excellence.

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