Plinest Hair 让你一触即“发”,头发再生疗程
Plinest Hair 让你一触即“发”,头发再生疗程
脱发危机不再限于中年人,越来越多年轻人都有头发稀疏,脱发和头皮损伤等等问题。造成该现象的原因有很多,例如基因遗传,使用过多化学物品(发胶,染发剂),还有最常见的精神压力和健康问题。 (more…)
Plinest Hair 让你一触即“发”,头发再生疗程
脱发危机不再限于中年人,越来越多年轻人都有头发稀疏,脱发和头皮损伤等等问题。造成该现象的原因有很多,例如基因遗传,使用过多化学物品(发胶,染发剂),还有最常见的精神压力和健康问题。 (more…)
Fellow aesthetics doctors and injectors came together both in person and via online for a Plinest injection session led by Dr Lim Ting Song and Dr Giulia Cattarini recently. (more…)
很多人都聽說過Rejuran三文魚針/嬰兒針,也相信很多人已經接觸過他們家的護膚以及醫美產品。Plinest不只是一般保濕補水的水光針,也是一項修復和保護肌膚健康療程。在國外,許多人會在夏季前開始療程。增強皮膚膠原蛋白和皮膚細胞修復,減少紫外線對皮膚所帶來的損傷。 (more…)
PLINEST Hair Loss Treatment Categorised as a biostimulator, Plinest is an injectable treatment made from highly purified PN polynucleotide (PN) gel and is currently famed as “the Ferrari of regenerative gels” in the aesthetic market. The PN polynucleotide (PN) gel is recovered from Italian Trout Fish utilizing Mastelli’s HPT technology,…