皮秒镭射在近年风靡全球,许多医美诊所都纷纷引进皮秒镭射仪器就连大马也不例外。皮秒镭射(Picosecond laser) 与一般美容院所使用的净肤镭射或奈米 (Q-Switch/Nanosecond laser) 有什么不同?
既然说到皮秒镭射,那就不得不提皮秒界的大神 PicoSure。
PicoSure专利的蜂巢透镜 (Focus lens array) ,并以755波长能精准地去震碎色素与斑点,而不伤及血管或是更深层的位置。因此在不易伤害皮肤组织的情况下精准地治疗黑色素,能有效地降低术后出现在红肿和反黑的机率。主要医治痘疤,缩小毛孔,祛除雀斑,黄褐斑,其他各种类斑。
有接触过医美或是镭射治疗稍有研究的朋友应该听说过皮秒镭射755或是755蜂巢。市场上有许多关于皮秒的广告,或许你也听说了身边某些朋友做了皮秒镭射并不见效。你可有了解该诊所正使用的皮秒仪器品牌是否合格还是山寨版?大马目前拥有PicoSure的医美诊所并不多,而Clique Clinic则是在几年前便将PicoSure从国外引进大马的医美诊所。
想了解更多可以直接 WhatsApp 我们。
Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie
Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the field of medical aesthetics after graduating from the Russian National Research Medical University with a Medical Degree (M.D.), Dr Tiffany further honed her skills by obtaining an Assured Certificate in Advanced Aesthetic Science from the City & Guilds of London Institute and pursuing a Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine certified by the European International University. With years of medical practice since 2015 and specialising in aesthetic medicine since 2020, Dr. Tiffany has garnered extensive experience across various fields in the medical industry. Dr. Tiffany has led numerous trainings, workshops, and conferences, sharing her expertise and insights with fellow professionals in the medical field.
Dr. Tee's expertise encompasses a wide range of aesthetic procedures, from laser treatments and injectables to radiofrequency skin tightening and non-surgical face lifts. She is also well-versed in advanced wound care and treats various skin concerns like acne, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Additionally, Dr. Tiffany's expertise in advanced modern wound care and management of sexually transmitted diseases reflects her holistic approach to patient well-being. Her contributions to the field, including publications and speaking engagements, not only underscore her dedication to enhancing patient outcomes but also inspire others in the medical community to strive for excellence.
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