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连续4年荣获Ultherapy Golden Award的Clique Clinic。提供最有效的紧肤拉提疗程,告别皮肤松弛让你年轻十年。

Ultherapy Golden Award

此奖项是由Ulthera公司每年颁发给各国最顶尖的Ultherapy美学医疗诊所。而Clique Clinic自2017年开始连续4年获此殊荣,是国内医美诊所不断学习的对象。Clique Clinic院长林挺松医师多年来与团队不断研究和临床实验如何让Ultherapy超声刀做得最好。常年受邀到国内外大大小小医学讲座分享实际案例,临床经验和独特技术。


曾有一位顾客与林医师分享过这么一段经历。她曾到几家诊所进行Ultherapy疗程,可是Clique Clinic的Ultherapy就是与别人不同。拉提效果特别好,是我们的仪器比较新的关系吗?其实道理很简单,职业F1赛车手与一般司机开跑车。请问谁能先抵达终点?工欲善其事,必先利其器这个道理大家都了解。那么有了千里马,是不是也得要有伯乐才能发挥出它的强大?








Dr Ong Kuok Tjun - Dr Ong Kuok Tjun pic 1

Dr Ong Kuok Tjun

Dr. Ong Kuok Tjun is an esteemed aesthetic physician who earned his medical degree from the University of Malaya. He holds a coveted LCP board certification from the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, and has over five years of experience. Dr. Ong's approach to facial aesthetics is unique, combining both art and science to deliver natural-looking results. He utilises a variety of techniques, including energy-based devices and injectables, to address concerns like skin aging, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation.

Holding certifications such as the Medical Aesthetic Certification (MAC), he stays abreast of the latest advancements in the field. As an international speaker, Dr. Ong shares his expertise with fellow professionals, contributing to the global discourse on aesthetic medicine. His publication on PN-Hpt reflects his dedication to advancing medical knowledge. Dr. Ong's commitment to excellence is evident through his continuous pursuit of knowledge and skill enhancement.

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