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Clique Clinic是大马医学美容界的领航人,院长林挺松医生更是长年受邀到国内外各大医学讲座以及研究,也是获奖无数。在这里,并不只是使用单一镭射仪器来治疗黑斑。作为全马首屈一指的美学医疗诊所自然是有过人之处,结合皮秒镭射 (PicoSure & Enlighten PicoGenesis, 皮秒界两大品牌) 和SYLFIRM™疗程的祛斑疗程更是让许多名媛低调前来。


Clique Clinic从国外引进了全马首台SYLFIRM™X终极版 ,可以针对不同类型的皮肤进行治疗,并获得多种好处,并而不必担心疼痛,康复时间,有效性和安全性。 SYLFIRM™X是唯一被美国FDA批准用于安全处理酒渣鼻,黄褐斑,色素沉着,痤疮和疤痕等难治性疾病的射频微针设备。选择顶级的皮秒镭射仪器再结合最新的SYLFIRM™X 微针疗程,务必给顾客最佳的效果,最快速的疗程和最短暂的修复期。医疗团队拥有多年使用SYLFIRM™的临床经验,也在许多大大小小的医学讲座分享了临床案例和研究结果。在使用新一代仪器上更是得心应手,过往许多棘手的皮肤症状都因SYLFIRM™X得以解决。

Sylfirm X 祛疤

祛斑 sylfirm x



更多资料可到SYLFIRM™X新马官网查询,大马目前只有Clique Clinic一家诊所提供该疗程。相信不久会有更多诊所引进该疗程。


疗程价格,官方建议一次疗程大约马币3000。可联系Clique Clinic客服预约咨询,医生将会为你检查皮肤状况,建议合适疗程和次数,根据疗程方案选择你所需的优惠配套。



Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie - Dr Tiffany Tee pic 1

Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie

Dr Tiffany Tee Xiang Jie brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the field of medical aesthetics after graduating from the Russian National Research Medical University with a Medical Degree (M.D.), Dr Tiffany further honed her skills by obtaining an Assured Certificate in Advanced Aesthetic Science from the City & Guilds of London Institute and pursuing a Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine certified by the European International University. With years of medical practice since 2015 and specialising in aesthetic medicine since 2020, Dr. Tiffany has garnered extensive experience across various fields in the medical industry. Dr. Tiffany has led numerous trainings, workshops, and conferences, sharing her expertise and insights with fellow professionals in the medical field.

Dr. Tee's expertise encompasses a wide range of aesthetic procedures, from laser treatments and injectables to radiofrequency skin tightening and non-surgical face lifts. She is also well-versed in advanced wound care and treats various skin concerns like acne, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Additionally, Dr. Tiffany's expertise in advanced modern wound care and management of sexually transmitted diseases reflects her holistic approach to patient well-being. Her contributions to the field, including publications and speaking engagements, not only underscore her dedication to enhancing patient outcomes but also inspire others in the medical community to strive for excellence.

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