miraDry清新微波,多汗症克星,1 劳永逸


其实很多人都有多汗症或是狐臭问题,可是大众对这方面的知识并不充足。多数人还停留在使用止汗剂这个解决方案。有接触医美或是皮肤科的朋友,或许听过BTA (肉毒杆菌)俗称Botox注射。但这些都是治标不治本。 (more…)

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What you need to know about miraDry? 9 things you should know

What you need to know about miraDry? 9 things you should know 1. You are NOT alone If you’re bothered by underarm sweat, rest assured that you’re not the only one.  “Axillary hyperhidrosis”, a medical term for excessive, uncontrollable sweating at the armpits affects 1 in 20 people around the…

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miraDry Malaysia

MiraDry Treatment Malaysia (Reduce Underarm Sweat) MiraDry Treatment Malaysia (Reduce Underarm Sweat) MiraDry Treatment Malaysia (Reduce Underarm Sweat) We are the first clinic who offer miraDry treatment in Malaysia since year 2019.Permanently reduce underarm sweat. miraDry is the only US FDA cleared treatment that dramatically reduces underarm sweat in as…

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miraDry 清新微波热能止汗技术,勇敢举起双手吧!

身体异味总是困扰着你身边人,而你却习以为常甚至毫无察觉。马来西亚天气炎热,在室外走几步就开始流汗。相信各位读者都有类似的经验就是在搭乘公共交通时嗅到阵阵芳香。 (more…)

Continue ReadingmiraDry 清新微波热能止汗技术,勇敢举起双手吧!