什么是铃铛线, thread lift(线雕)

什么是铃铛线, thread lift(线雕)?


铃铛线的种类,分别有8 cone, 12 cone, 16 cone这三种。普遍亚洲脸型较小,8 cone会更加适合脸型较小的女性而12 cone更适合亚洲男性。医生将会根据个别情况设计出针对性的疗程方案,像是使用多少cone或是多少条。全脸一般需要4至6条,也就是左右脸各2至3条。






铃铛线结合胶原蛋白增生剂(Radiesse Plus / Ellanse)也是不错的选择,适合年纪较大的顾客或者想修饰鼻子和下巴的顾客。



现在就联系我们,了解更多关于Silhouette Soft铃铛线或是其他紧肤拉提疗程



Dr Lim Ting Song - Dr Lim TIng Song pic 1

Dr Lim Ting Song

Dr. Lim Tong Song is a renowned aesthetician in the medical aesthetics field with over 12 years of experience. Dr. Lim is a proud Igaku-shi (M.D.) graduate from Tohoku University School of Medicine, Japan. He is also certified by the Ministry of Health Malaysia with the prestigious Letter of Credentialing and Privileges (LCP). His expertise spans a wide spectrum of aesthetic medicine, including Asian facial and body aesthetics, clinical application of fillers' rheology, and laser medicine. Dr. Lim's influence extends beyond clinical practice, as he serves on numerous global advisory boards for aesthetic treatments and represents Asia in international consensus meetings.

Dr. Lim's dedication to excellence in aesthetics is evident in his numerous accolades, including the Anti-aging & Beauty Trophy for Best Clinical Cases. His leadership positions within the International Society for Dermatologic & Aesthetic Surgery (ISDS) and his active participation in international conferences further underline his commitment to advancing the field. Dr Lim's specialisations include skin rejuvenation, facial aesthetics using injectables and fillers, and body contouring. Dr. Lim's passion for innovation and patient care positions him as a leading authority in medical aesthetics.